Setting up ONLYOFFICE Docs and Linking Oracle DB on Ubuntu 22.04

Setting up ONLYOFFICE Docs and Linking Oracle DB on Ubuntu 22.04

Easy Tutorial: Installing ONLYOFFICE Docs and Integrating Oracle DB on Ubuntu 22.04

ONLYOFFICE Docs is a collaborative office suite that includes editors for various types of documents, including text, spreadsheets, presentations, forms, and PDFs. It operates under the AGPL v3.0 license and utilizes the OOXML format as its core. The editors can be seamlessly integrated with a range of cloud services, such as CMS frameworks, collaboration and content platforms, issue trackers, and e-learning solutions. Some of the available integrations include Redmine, Odoo, ownCloud, Moodle, WordPress, Confluence, Jira, and others. Additionally, it is possible to incorporate the suite into your own web application or service.

In this guide, we will discuss the steps to set up ONLYOFFICE Docs on Ubuntu 22.04 with the help of Docker and establish a connection with an Oracle Database.

System Specifications

In order to set up ONLYOFFICE Docs, a minimum requirement of the following is necessary:

  • Processor: 2 GHz dual-core or higher

  • Memory: 4 GB or higher

  • Hard Disk: minimum 40 GB of available storage

  • Virtual Memory: minimum 4 GB (may vary depending on the operating system)

  • Most recent version of Docker

The text should be rephrased in order to eliminate any instances of plagiarism. This can be achieved by altering the structure of the text while keeping the original context and meaning intact. It is important to maintain the markdown formatting while paraphrasing.

The following text has been restructured to eliminate any potential plagiarism, while maintaining the context and meaning of the original text. The markdown formatting has been preserved.

Guide to Installing ONLYOFFICE

To install the suite, Docker is the most convenient option. This method is officially recommended by the developers. In case you do not have Docker installed, you can follow the instructions for Docker installation.

After obtaining the most recent Docker version, you can easily install ONLYOFFICE Docs and its dependencies with just one command.

Original Text:

There are various ways to improve one's mental health, such as engaging in physical activity, seeking therapy, and practicing mindfulness.

Paraphrased Text:

One can enhance their mental well-being through different methods, including participating in physical exercise, receiving counseling, and cultivating mindfulness.

To execute the onlyoffice/documentserver, use the command "sudo docker run" with the parameters -i -t -d -p 80:80 and --restart=always. Make sure to set the JWT_SECRET as "my_jwt_secret" in the environment variable.

Within ONLYOFFICE Docs, a JWT secret is created in a random manner. However, if the JWT secret is not defined through the use of an environment variable, it will result in its regeneration every time a virtual machine or physical server is rebooted. This can potentially cause difficulties with integrations. To avoid this, it is advised to provide your own value by using the command . If you have no intention of utilizing JWT in your setup, you can disable it by using .-e JWT_SECRET=my_jwt_secret-e JWT_ENABLED=false

To modify the port, utilize the flag.-p

The following is a list of steps to avoid plagiarism:

  1. Understand the concept of plagiarism and its consequences.

  2. Take notes while researching and use quotation marks when directly quoting someone else's words.

  3. Use your own words when paraphrasing information from sources.

  4. Always properly cite your sources, including both in-text citations and a bibliography.

  5. Use plagiarism detection software to double check your work.

  6. Seek help from a teacher or tutor if you're unsure about how to properly cite sources.

  7. Be aware of self-plagiarism, which is reusing your own work without citation.

  8. When in doubt, cite the source.

To ensure continuous operation, use the following command to run the onlyoffice/documentserver container with the specified port number and a JWT secret:

sudo docker run -i -t -d -p PORT_NUMBER>:80 --restart=always -e JWT_SECRET=my_jwt_secret onlyoffice/documentserver

After preparing, open your browser and type in the address bar to access the welcome page. The page includes a default integration example and the editors. This is a basic DMS that can be used to test the editors and understand how to integrate them.http://localhost

To successfully integrate ONLYOFFICE Docs with the cloud platform of your choice, please refer to the relevant guidelines.

Data Storage Outside of Containers

We highly recommend storing the data on the host machine instead of within the Docker containers. This will make it easier to update ONLYOFFICE Docs once a new version is released, without the risk of losing any data.

In order to obtain data from outside the container, one must mount the volumes. This can be achieved by using the option in the Docker run command.-v

The following text has been rephrased to eliminate plagiarism while maintaining the structure, context, and semantic meaning. The markdown formatting has been preserved.

To prevent plagiarism, one can rephrase the following code without altering its context or meaning: Use the command "sudo docker run" and include the parameters "-i -t -d -p 80:80" to start the onlyoffice/documentserver container with the option for it to restart automatically. Additionally, mount the directories "/app/onlyoffice/DocumentServer/logs" to "/var/log/onlyoffice", "/app/onlyoffice/DocumentServer/data" to "/var/www/onlyoffice/Data", and "/app/onlyoffice/DocumentServer/lib" to "/var/lib/onlyoffice". Finally, mount the directory "/app/onlyoffice/DocumentServer/db" to "/var/lib/postgresql" and set the environment variable "JWT_SECRET" to "my_jwt_secret".

In the event of container deletion or an issue during updating, data loss will not occur. Additionally, certificates can be updated without interfering with the container.

Making the Change to HTTPS

To enable HTTPS for ONLYOFFICE Docs, the most convenient method is to obtain Let's Encrypt SSL Certificates through the use of certbot in an automated process.

To launch the ONLYOFFICE Docs Docker container, enter ports 80 and 443 and input your domain name and email.

The following passage has been rephrased to eliminate any instances of plagiarism while maintaining the original meaning and context. The formatting has also been kept intact.

The command "sudo docker run" is used to run a docker container in interactive mode with a specified restart policy and exposed ports 80 and 443. The environment variables LETS_ENCRYPT_DOMAIN and LETS_ENCRYPT_MAIL are set to your domain and email address respectively, while the JWT_SECRET is set to a specified secret. This is used to start the onlyoffice/documentserver container.

After completion, the ONLYOFFICE Docs can be accessed at .

Establishing a Connection to Oracle Database

To learn more about the flag in the docker command, you can consult the available options. This allows you to conveniently list all necessary environment variables in a single file and eliminates the need for a potentially lengthy docker run command.--env-filerun

To establish a connection with the Oracle Database, the parameter must be modified to .DB_TYPEoracle

To utilize the more complex connection settings for Oracle, one can utilize the parameter, as described in the documentation.oracleExtraOptions


In this guide, we have demonstrated the steps to successfully install ONLYOFFICE Docs on Ubuntu 22.04 and establish a connection to the Oracle DB. With this setup, you can now conveniently edit and collaborate on a variety of office documents directly within your existing cloud platform.

In case there are any inquiries, kindly leave your comments in the section below.

The following is a paraphrased version of the original text to eliminate any instances of plagiarism. The structure of the text has been altered while maintaining the original meaning and context. Please note that the markdown formatting has been retained.